Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i've already talked about it. being caught in the vortex. the repetitious seemingly infinite series of trial and error efforts that often times go late late into the morning to no avail, until you come to your senses and, like i said, step away. the good news is every time you died you learned something, you became a better gamer. you found the boss's weakness, you learned what to expect around that corner, you took that information and applied it to your gameplay. you evolved and didnt even know it. so when you get stuck in the terrible trap, never forget that you actually are becoming better not worse. occasionally you make the same mistakes again and again, but if you dont give up, sooner or later you'll forget that you suck and space out and then kill it. 


every mistake you make you learn not to make it again. from a fork in the socket to dating bipolar girls you dont know very well, life's mistakes often times are lamer than you want them to be and when you've just experienced them you feel kinda like a loser, you suck at life (and im not talking about the small stuff.) but the good news is you are learning. eventually you will break out the cycle of mistakes. each time you get dumped or fired, don't get too bummed. think of life as a big zombie mansion and you went around a corner and found a zombie and he went into your neck like a gremlin on kfc and ur dead. are you gonna throw the game out the window? no you press start and continue and this time, you go around that corner ready to blast. so dont ever get too discouraged. you're just learning how to be a person. how to survive.